Hello, welcome to my blog. This is my report on honey badgers. I hope you enjoy reading and learning facts. What I did well was use paragraphs.What I could improve on would be to add more facts. thank you for stopping by on my blog.
Honey Badger
mellivora capensis
What does a honey badger look like
It looks a bit like a black dog with half of a grey coat on the top of it.
It is a mammal that can be up to 55-77 cm long and it weighs 5-16 kg.
Where does Honey Badger live ?
A honey badger is a mammal that lives in Asia,Africa and India.
It lives in climates from 32-39 degrees Celsius.
ngs and some you won’t believe. It feds on Honey, berries, insects, frogs , tortoises, turtles, lizards, rodents, snakes, birds and eggs.
Does a honey badger have friends?
A honey badger doesn’t really have friends.
It is quite solitary but has a lot of predators
Honey badgers enemies/predators.
The honey badger has lots of predators.
Lions, leopards and crocodiles are the main predators of honey badgers.
But a honey badger has strong skin.
The end, by silas.